Three Interesting Books that I am looking forward to read in the year 2021
Year 2020 is coming to an end and I've been sketching plans for year 2021 in general. Last year I decided to finish reading 20 books and ended up reading 29 books (as of December 15th.) So, my next year goal is to finish reading 30 books. And I'm exuberantly looking forward to read three books in particular which I am gonna talk about in this post.
1. The Ends of the World
by Peter Brannen

I ran into this book after reading The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert. Basically, I love reading irrespective of any genre and I discovered this only all my schooling and college days. And I am always curious to know about wildlife, evolution, etc. So, I read this book and wanted to know more about the extinction events that had occurred in Earth previously. And upon researching I found that The Ends of the World has got good amount of information related to it. Hence, I am very excited to start reading this book from January 2021.
2. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
by Willian L. Shirer

Watching war movies is a treat for me. And reading about wars is something I have admired right from the History subjects of my early school days. Recently I had finished reading about the First World War in the short introduction series book. And it was intriguing. I have to still read elaborately about the First World War. But I have planned to start with Second World War simultaneously. Hitler is one of the personalities whom I admire and inquisitive to learn more about. And this book is over 1200 pages in length and hopefully will provide me with every detail about Hitler which I have longed for. So, probably, and possibly, this will be the first book which I might take up right away in 2021.
3. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
by Yuval Noah Harari

Well, Sapiens is one of the best books that I have ever read. And this is the third and final book of the Sapiens series. 21 Lessons! 21st Century! So, why not read it in year 2021? Sapiens explicated the past life of humanity. Home Deus had interesting facts about the present era with lots of probabilities, and predictions about the future. And both the books blew my mind away. Therefore, without any doubts of disappointments or dissatisfaction, I am eagerly waiting to get into this book.