"The Psychopathology of Everyday Life" by Sigmund Freud

One word review: Absorbing!
Did you know?
This books is also called as "The Mistake Book".
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life is a psychology book, by the Father of Psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. It is a short book, about 200 pages in length, giving an introductory analysis on the functioning of the Unconscious mind.
In this book, Freud deals with quotidian phenomena that occurs to almost everyone randomly. Or wait, is it so? Well, not everything occurs randomly if you take a deeper look. Freud has delineated how we tend to forget and make mistakes in simple day-to-day activities like remembering names, places, words, etc. He has explained how the unconscious mind behaves in remembering, recollecting, and construing.
I found it amusing to read this particular topic. Having known about the Subconscious mind, I was introduced to a new segment of the mind, the Unconscious through this book. In fact, the term Unconscious was coined by Sigmund Freud. The book sticks to describing the working of the Unconscious mind in specific cases alone: forgetting names, mistakes while making a speech, etc. and do not explore the topic of Unconscious mind further.
If you would like to explore more on the Unconscious mind, then I recommend you to read Man and His symbols by Carl G. Jung, the review of which you can find here.
Certain inadequacies of our psychic capacities - whose common character will soon be more definitely determined - and certain performances which are apparently unintentional prove to be well motivated when subjected to the psychoanalytic investigation, and are determined through the consciousness of unknown motives.
Reading this book will definitely make you conscious of your everyday mistakes and help you to understand your mind better, with respect to your speech, writing and reading.