“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, by Yuval Noah Harari.

One Word Review: Prodigious!
Did you know?
Sapiens has been translated into 60 languages.
Sapiens, the one word prodigious is enough to describe about this book. This book belongs to the informative category. I was introduced to this book by a friend. And when I started reading this, the book opened up a world of astounding and vast amount of knowledge. It provided so much information that I had to start taking notes.
So, as the names goes by, the book is a compendium of information about the human society. Who were we? What were we when evolution started? How did we get here? What are the reasons that distinguishes us from the other species? How did we get to dominate other species? How did we evolve from a mere crawling hunter-gatherer, thousands of years ago to wearing suits to work in the second millennium? Where did all the religions and ideologies come from? And many more questions may come to your mind when you think about our history. This book tries to answer them all.
During the first millennium BC, religions of an altogether new kind began to spread throughout Afro-Asia. The newcomers, such as Jainism and Buddhism in India, Daoism and Confucianism in China, and Stoicism, Cynicism and Epicureanism in the Mediterranean basin, were characterized by their disregard of gods.
Along with broadening your mind about humanity’s lineage, you will be exposed to whole new jargons and vernacular terms, giving scope to improve your vocabulary. Well, I’ve described enough. Sapiens is one of the books that will change your paradigms of life.
Key Takeaways:
The Law of Religions
Memory Overload
The Tree of Knowledge
Divine Intervention
The Vicious Circle
Marriage of Science and Empire
Know Thyself