Arthy S L
Life Isn't A Fairy Tale
Life Is Tough But So Are You
Publisher: Notion Press
Pages: 212

One word review: Tepid!
Life Isn't A Fairy Tale is an intertwined romance drama novel. The story charts the mood graph of the protagonist who is an effervescent girl. There is nothing extra-ordinary in this story or narration for it is filled with characters that are unbelievable.
Favorite Lines From Book:
The walls I built around me grew stronger
The melodramatic story follows the mind and life of Keerthi, the protagonist. There are supporting characters who revolve around Keerthi but the most remarkable one is Kavya, a close friend of Keerthi. Other characters fail to make a mark or simply present to keep the story progressing. The main drawback of the story is that it is filled with a lot of negative situations and does not substantiate the negativity they are given with. Also, the Romance that is conveyed in the story did not feel special or emanate connectivity with the readers.
Who on earth would not be on WhatsApp?
The novel contains twenty chapters and the narration, which is from Keerthi's perspective, was monotonous till the eleventh. It takes a promising turn on the twelfth chapter but only to continue to the same tone till the end. The promising turn was in the form of a change in narration format which provokes the reader's imagination but does not live up to the expectations. Nevertheless, there are a few chapters, in which the events portrayed would definitely make the readers resonate with their own lives.
Be it past or future, it would seem frightening if you dwell too much on it.
Furthermore, the main character Keerthi is portrayed and developed brilliantly but I felt it was a big let down in not using the character to it's fullest potential. Kavya, the supporting character, who was highly interesting, was underplayed. Nonetheless, both the characters signified the highest form of maturity constantly throughout the story which personally I found it to be an incisive writing.
This is why we shouldn't lie. Started with one and now I am pilling them up!
Although there are many drawbacks in this novel, it expresses the life of a depressed personality and what one must undertake to turn around their life colourful. For this matter alone, the book is worthy reading.
What is meant for you will never miss you
Verdict: An Appealing Read!
Stay Tuned for 'myView On Books' Episode, the Video Review of this Book on MWM Channel!
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