Tom Cruise | Jamie Foxx | Mark Ruffalo
Collateral (2004)
Available on: Netflix, Amazon Prime.

One word review: Scintillating!
IMDB: 7.5
Did you know?
Stuart Beattie, the screenwriter of Collateral wrote the story inspired by a taxi ride that he took at Sydney airport.
Collateral is a crime thriller film loaded with packed action sequences. This is another renowned movie that is highly praised by Syd Field in his Screenplay book for it's screenplay writing. I had watched the movie before, years back but I watched it again just so to write a review here. And I've got lot to talk about this movie other than Tom Cruise's cool demeanor.
Favorite Movie Quotes:
Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars, in a speck on one in a blink. That's us, lost in space. The cop, you, me... Who notices?
The story builds up by exposing the unique characterization of the lead roles and the people related to them. For example, the role of Jamie Foxx, the taxi driver, is exposed intelligibly - what does he dream to become, why he does his present job, what he really wants in life, etc. Once the character are defined clearly, the inciting incident kicks-in in the most amusing manner you could imagine and that's when you find out what is the story about.
Of all the cabbies in L.A. I get Max, Sigmund Freud meets Dr. Ruth.
We've got two protagonists in the story and their fates are intertwined. The laudatory aspect of the movie or rather the writing I would say, is the character graph of the taxi driver role, which has a great arc - builds up linearly as the movie progresses and all of a sudden experiences a catharsis which was quite fascinating.
Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, shit happens, I Ching, whatever man, we gotta roll with it.
Jamie fox! Having seen him intimidating in Baby Driver, I was surprised by his pitch perfect performance of a scrupulous taxi driver. Tom Cruise has played it really cool and owns the frame in almost all the scenes. An interesting appearance and cameo from Mark Ruffalo was delighting to watch.
With no room for boredom and jam-packed with action sequences in a thrilling fashion, Collateral is a perfect and delightful treat to watch alone or with your friends and a must if you are a fan of Tom Cruise or Jamie Foxx.