Read from First Chapter here.
Read Previous Chapter here.
Previously on The Bike Babaji: Vinod, being futile in thievery, was seeking a mentor.
#1 Always target costly and new bikes.
#2 Learn thoroughly the location, neighborhood, and the diurnal pattern of the bike owner.
#3 Identify the Golden Hour to expropriate your prize.
#4 Work your wonder at the Golden Hour.
#5 Sell your reward immediately.
#6 Move on to a new location the very next day.
These were the Six Commandments in bike thievery, for James, popularly known as Jim among his coterie. James was into the bike business since 5 months. He needed an inordinate sum of money, within quick successions every month. He had learnt the art of thievery and burglary from his godfather Paul. He was a spoilt child when his parents died. Paul took him in, being discreet and not divulging his illicit conducts to Jim. Over time, destiny had its last laugh. Jim’s inquisitiveness helped him discern his uncle’s incorrigible maneuvers. Paul could do nothing but accept Jim as his protege. They thieved, burgled and became skilful miscreants together, a perfect pair of alter-egos of Batman and Robin.
Ever since he was left alone, Jim had no choice but to strive hard to earn this exorbitant amount, monthly. He needed it. Few years before, he had worked in a garage shop before he became acquainted completely with Paul. He had learned quite a deal about bikes then. Just by hearing a bike with it’s engine ON, he could judge the performance of the pistons, capacity of the combustion chamber, and the number of strokes in its power cycles, whether the engine is a V-twin design or parallel-twin design or a four-cylinder design, and whether the engine power is transmitted to the rear wheel through a chain, belt or shaft. He was adroit at handling bikes.
So, naturally when he wanted to scale up to acquire this sudden pecuniary, bike theft was the first thought that had occurred to him. Selling an old bike would profit him a mere fifteen to twenty thousand bucks. However a new bike, can recompense anywhere between eighty to a hundred and fifty thousand bucks. That’s the kind of remuneration he was looking for, now. Nevertheless, the risk involved is huge. Any owner of a new bike, would be very circumspect. So, he had to learn the day to day activities of the owner, like an eagle watching over its prey soaring high.
“...Adventurous music playing in the background.
This snake is a rare type. It’s fangs, as you can see....
...Peppy music playing in the background.
We don’t talk anymore,
We don’t talk anymore...
Mere Sapno Ki Rani Kab Aayegi Tu
Aai Rut Mastaani Kab Aayegi Tu
Beeti Jaaye Zindagani Kab Aayegi Tu
Chali Aa, Tu Chali Aa...
The baker in the nearby tea stall was changing channels in his television and the song brought James back to his consciousness. He had been furtively watching the Royal Enfield bike, TRIPLE O SEVEN (0007), glaringly new, parked about hundred meters away from the tea stall. He ticked his first commandment in his mind. Five to go.
[To be continued]